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Monday, November 11, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
How to Be Healthy About Weight Loss
A healthy approach to weight loss is crucial to your success. Fad diets, pills, powders and shakes are not going to make any permanent difference in your weight, and can in fact be harmful. So what is one to do? By making better food choices, being cognizant of portions, and moving more, you can implement a lifestyle sure to whittle your waistline.
The trick to food decisions is not to avoid certain foods altogether, but to make better choices about those foods. For example, fresh strawberries with a dollop of non-fat whipped topping will satisfy your sweet tooth just as much as a slab of strawberry pie. Don't deny yourself entire food groups or force yourself to eat foods you despise to lose weight. If cabbage soup sounds disgusting, then don't eat it. Just because others may claim is makes them lose weight, it certainly won't help you if you find it foul. By avoiding extremes and deprivation, your food choices can really add up to calorie savings.
Portion control is also paramount in weight loss. Take a gander at the box your favorite cereal comes in. Take out your measuring cup and serve up one portion in a bowl. Does it look too small? Maybe some fruit on the side would help fill you up. If you want two portions, have them! But be aware of the portion size and how many calories you are eating per portion. You may be surprised at how much you are actually eating.
Finally, moving more is essential to any healthy weight loss endeavor. Notice, I did not say exercise. Exercise, to most people, is forced activity, boring, and a chore. But moving more, why, that might be fun! Enjoy a walk to a friend's house instead of driving. Take your dog or cat for a stroll. Race your kids to the end of the block and back. Take the stairs. By moving more, you are forcing your body to burn off it's energy stores, also known as fat.
By implementing these three easy changes into your life, you will notice the pounds melting away. If you do it right, only a pound or two should drop off a week. If you're losing faster than that, feel free to have a small indulgence or two. The only way to permanent weight loss is a healthy approach.
For More Related Topics Blog: Losing Weight By Running
How to Chose a Safe Weight-Loss Supplement
Go to your local GNC, health-food store or grocery store, and you'll see dozens of different weight-loss supplements available. Some promise "all natural" weight loss. Some promise more ripped abs for men, or flatter belly for women.
Many are being marketed with celebrities raving about their massive weight loss... all due to that little pill they took.
Unfortunately, most supplements really only do one of 2 things:
- trick your body into thinking you're full when you're not. This is nothing more than starvation, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that's not healthy.
- rev up your metabolism, and we've all read about how dangerous this can be. Many brands that use Ephedra or other supplements to their pills have had the heavy hands of the Federal Government and lawsuits come down on them for causing various ills including heart attacks and death.
So how do you chose a supplement that works?
You don't need willpower or to fast and 'cleanse' your body... or pay for expensive monthly food delivered to your door.
And you certainly don't need or want to count each calorie and cut yourself off when you're still hungry.
None of that is a sustainable, long-term solution.
There's a new set of supplements that uses Leptin - the hormone your cells release to tell your brain "we're full". It's the messenger, as well as the 'switch' that tells your fat cells when to store or burn fat.
The problem is our modern lives - stress,poor eating, etc. - mess with our body chemistry, and sometimes those messages don't get through.
In a University of Connecticut double-blind study between a Leptin-containing supplement and a placebo:
- Lost 21.5 pounds of body fat in 8 weeks
- Lost 3.96 inches off their waist
- Lost 3.28 inches off their hips
- Lost 1.2 inches off each thigh
- Reduced leptin levels by 42%
- Had a 90% greater fat loss than the placebo group
Of course, a supplement is only one part of the equation, regardless of how effective. Healthy eating and getting up and moving more are key parts of ANY weight-loss plan, but an effective, safe, and clinically-proven supplement can help you over the 'hump'...
And get rid of that 'hump' on your belly!
For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Program
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Daily Weight Loss Tips - How to Get in Super Shape For Summer and Bikini Ready Fast
Are you trying to lose weight, but unsure of what you should be doing every day to make it happen? Are you looking for daily weight loss tips to help you achieve your goals long-term? Here are some things that you should be doing every day to help you stay on track.
For More Related Topics Blog: Vitamins For Weightloss
Holiday Weight Loss Strategies - Insider Secrets to Burning Fat Without Ever Missing a Holiday Meal
I am going to share holiday weight loss strategies that will save you time and have you burning fat fast without ever missing a single holiday meal or party. If you are serious about getting the weight off this holiday season and you want the absolute best way to do it then I encourage you to take just 2 minutes right now to read this article.
Holiday Weight Loss Strategies
1. The secret is learning how to use your favorite foods to boost your fat burning metabolism. If you have ever been on a low calorie or low carbohydrate diet for any length of time you know that one of the problems is that your weight loss begins to slow and then plateaus. This is because dieting for too long slows your metabolism and when this happens you cannot burn fat.
But the wonderful news is that the opposite is also true - Since eating too little food slows your metabolism then eating more food speeds your metabolism, the trick is to balance this so you can lose weight. Simply diet strict for 6 days leading up to your holiday party and then take the day of your party off and enjoy all of your favorite foods. You will have some water retention from your meal but your reestablished metabolism will quickly take care of that you by the end of your next 6 day dieting cycle you will have a significant weight drop.
2. Save time during your workout. You can get better fat burning results in half the time when you learn to add intensity to your workouts. Try this 20 minute workout 3 days a week, start with a 3 minute warm-up at a moderate pace and then steadily increase your pace every minute until you are working at your maximum level for 30-60 seconds. Repeat this cycle until your session is done. Add 3 days of weight training a week and you have a perfect holiday workout plan.
Use these holiday weight loss strategies to get maximum results and you will be ahead of the game come January.